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Area Doctor Explains Exercise And Dieting May Not Be Enough To Shed Weight

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Despite the nonstop barrage of weight loss supplements, dieting regimes, and workout plans on the average American, sometimes more is needed, says Dr. Anthony Starpoli of Greenwich Village Gastronenterology and director of the American Obesity Center. While dieting and exercise may help certain people lose weight, it is not the solution for everyone.

"The problem with traditional dieting is commitment," he says. "People have to be committed to wanting to change course. For instance, people think diet sodas qualify as eating healthy, meanwhile they are eating a cheeseburger." Starpoli went on to explain how many highly sweetened drinks are so overly sweet that they create a new taste point of what we perceive is actually sweet.

With more than 38 percent of the United States population classified as obese, doctors have realized the need to adopt more aggressive approaches to helping shed excess weight. One such process is through the insertion of an intragastic balloon. In the procedure, patients have a saline filled balloon inserted into their stomach in order to quell their appetite and in turn lose weight. Through seamless digital technology, they are able to monitor their weight loss and receive guidance in real time.

"The concept of net intake is difficult for many people to understand," explains Dr. Starpoli. "What you put in and what you put out need to match up, and often times people who suffer from obesity have different set points, or when they feel full."

Through procedures such as the intragastic balloon, patients are able to essentially jump start their weight loss. However, there are no quick fixes, Starpoli cautions cautions. "The procedure underscores the nutritional and behavioral aspects of weight loss and identifies an individual's specific eating triggers, but you have to adopt a healthier lifestyle, otherwise results are just temporary." 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Greenwich Village Gastroenterology. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

To learn more about Content Partnerships, click here.


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