Repairs at Fairfield's Sherman School Stall Again

FAIRFIELD, Conn. — Eileen Roxbee will have to wait at least a little bit longer before her students at Roger Sherman School can get the cleaner air and larger space they need. The $2.2 million renovation project on the Fern Street elementary school ran into another problem recently when bids for the work came in higher than expected. It now needs to wait at least another month to get re-approved.

“I’m a little disappointed that we’re not moving forward,” Roxbee told the Board of Selectmen Wednesday. “I understand the process has to happen, but I urge you to move it forward as fast as you can.”

This spring, Fairfield’s elected officials agreed to pay $2.2 million to improve the school’s ventilation systems to boost indoor air quality, add more space to the front offices and nurses’ station, and expand the cafeteria to cut down lunch lines. The project, originally scheduled for this summer, was delayed at least two months because of a debate over funding at the Representative Town Meeting level. Roxbee, Sherman’s PTA and the school board agreed to do an occupied renovation starting this fall to take care of as much of the project as possible while school is in session.

But Town Purchasing Director Twig Holland reported to the Special Projects Building Committee that only one company’s bid was under the approved limit. Committee members were suspicious of that firm’s ability to come in at their budgeted price. But the next highest bid would require more money, and therefore approval from the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and RTM.

The Board of Finance could not schedule a special meeting to talk about the project before the next RTM session. So the Board of Selectmen decided Wednesday to delay its vote on the extra funding for at least two more weeks. That means the final approval would not come until the end of September at the earliest, pushing the project’s start date deeper into the fall.

The selectmen did, however, vow to Roxbee that they would push hard to see the project finished. “It really is a need,” Selectman Sherri Steeneck said, “It’s not just something they want.”

What do you think about the problems with Roger Sherman School’s renovations? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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