Push By Fairfield's Devlin To Strengthen Transportation Lockbox Plan Fails

FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- State Rep. Laura Devlin, and other Republican lawmakers tried Monday to toughen up Connecticut’s proposed transportation fund “lockbox.”

Devlin (R-Fairfield/Trumbull) said that she, and other members of the Transportation Committee, had proposed an amendment strengthening safeguards, but it was voted down, 17-13.

Devlin, who represents the 134th District, accused Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, and other Democrats, of “raiding” funds meant solely for transportation projects by moving the money into the general budget account.

To back up her point, Devlin said $35 million was shifted in 2015 to plug a gap in the state budget.

Malloy proposed a constitutional amendment creating the lockbox. The proposed amendment passed in the state Senate in December but went down in the state House of Representatives.

The defeat was a political setback for Malloy, who said getting the lockbox on the ballot was a way of getting support for long overdue fixes for the state’s roads and bridges.

Saying that the lockbox is weak and can still “be picked,” Devlin expressed disappointment Monday over the GOP amendment’s failure.

The fund is supported by a number of revenue streams, she said, including the motor fuels tax, motor carrier road tax, petroleum products gross earnings tax, certain motor vehicle receipts and fees (driver's license fees), and surcharges on motor vehicle-related fines and penalties.

The amendment would have, Devlin said, defined those sources further and would have made sure that the General Assembly keeps its “hands off” the fund.

It would also, she said, at the committee meeting Monday, make sure the state Supreme Court has the ability to enforce the lockbox rules.

“We are pulling the wool over the eyes of state citizens in promoting this bill,” Devlin said of the legislation as it stands now.

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