To the Editor:
Connecticut ranks 50th for its fiscal health among states.
That is last place!
The state is heavily reliant on debt to finance its spending. As a lifelong Fairfield resident, I can remember when Connecticut had surpluses and no income tax. Today, the total debt is $20.88 billion with another $83.31 billion in unfunded pension liability.
We are on the verge of a point of no return for a fiscal crisis. Yet, Cristin McCarthy Vahey, Gov. Dannell Malloy and the Democratic majority in Hartford keep leading us down the wrong path. They have implemented record-high tax increases and have run business after business out of Connecticut, GE being the biggest and one with the greatest effect on Fairfield.
We need to change our course before it is too late. I met with Ray Neuberger and I am truly impressed. Ray has been a long-term supporter of the flood and erosion control board and their efforts to prevent flooding. He understands the pressing issues we face and supports a plan to change our direction through long-term fiscal planning and not stop gap efforts.
That is the reason why the Republican and Independent party have teamed up for the first time in his district to back the same candidate. I hope you will vote Nov. 8 for change and give Ray a chance. We desperately need conservative business leadership in Hartford if the state is to turn around. You have nothing to lose by voting for Ray and a lot to lose by sending Cristin McCarthy Vahey back to Hartford, where she will support Malloy’s destruction of the state that once had sound fiscal standing.
Politics are local regardless of party affiliation you should be concerned about the future of Connecticut. Please consider voting for Ray Nov. 8; we need new leadership.
Rick Grauer
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