To the Editor:
We voters find ourselves in very tumultuous times! The stakes are higher than ever. The outcome for us, our children and our grandchildren is more perilous than ever. Meanwhile, our political candidates seem more interested in confusing us with emotional issues than comforting us with their experience and wisdom.
Fortunately for the people of the 28th Senatorial District and the State of Connecticut, we have the industrious, wise and dedicated man, Tony Hwang, here to represent and serve us. The combination of his experience and integrity offers voters the strong, proven combination of a voice of reason and compassion in Hartford.
Our mission at Malta Justice Initiative is to advocate for Criminal Justice reform. This is not a popular topic – unless and until we are able to explain that our goal is to turn wards of the state (prisoners) into taxpayers for the benefit of all of us. Annually, well over a billion dollars of our State tax dollars are spent on prisons. But then, two out of every three released inmates are back incarcerated within three years so then you pay again!
Many politicians and would- be office holders are unwilling or unable to see the wisdom of effective, efficient and prudent reform in this area. Tony Hwang not only grasps this opportunity intuitively and but also works tirelessly toward the proven solution of making us a Second Chance Society irrespective of the shortsightedness of his critics. He stands for and acts on proven principles. This is a man we need in Hartford!
Somehow the national political situation has overshadowed our local political discourse. There is an inordinate amount of talk about immigration, insults and integrity. We cannot afford to let this condition cloud our thinking nor discourage us from voting. Now is the time, more than ever, for us to stand up for good State government and elect people like Tony Hwang who make that possible via his integrity, wisdom and compassion.
John S. Santa
Chairman, Malta Justice Initiative
Southport, CT 06890
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