To the Editor:
I feel like Miles in the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movie, running through speeding traffic, tossed against car windshields, desperate to warn anyone who will listen: “They’re already here, you’re next.” Things may look the same, but quietly and imperceptibly our freedoms, our security, our cultural and educational integrity and our sovereignty have been drained away. We have become powerless servants of government, media, corporate, and educational institutions which claim to serve us. Our country is failing, our state has failed us. What’s next?
Two terms representing District 9 in Fairfield’s legislature have convinced me that all politics is local. Too often, earnest hands were tied by hydra-like federal and state laws, unfunded mandates and bureaucratic red tape, effectively depriving us of Home Rule.True local control of town spending and taxes, safety and development (zoning), and school priorities is becoming an illusion in Connecticut. Soon, the takeover will be complete.
On Nov. 8, "We The People" have a clear choice. We can vacate our God-given rights to modern-day “body snatchers,” the corrupt and unaccountable powers that be. Or we can vote for the only candidate who will unify our divided nation by putting the safety, prosperity and freedom of all Americans first. Donald Trump is our last chance. Moreover, let’s see what a Republican majority in Hartford can do for our state. There’s absolutely nothing to lose.
Ellen Jacob
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