FAIRFIELD, Conn. – Fairfield Police are again receiving reports of package thefts from doorsteps in town in advance of the holiday season.
Homeowners on Thorpe Street and Gray Rock Road reported the thefts on Monday and Wednesday, respectively. In both cases delivery people left the packages on doorsteps because the residents were not home at the time. When the owners returned, they found the packages opened and the items inside missing. An Amazon Kindle and a book were reported stolen.
Similar thefts were reported last holiday season in the Southport section of Fairfield. At least 12 packages were stolen in early December. A Fairfield woman was charged with the thefts in February and is still awaiting trial.
Fairfield Police warn residents to request that packages be brought to back doors, or not delivered without a signature. They also suggest having items delivered to work addresses if possible, to ensure that they are received during the day.
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