'Rock' Needs a Home in Fairfield

Fairfield police have had no luck locating the owner of a dog found in the area of Our Lady of the Assumption Church last week. So now they’re turning their attention toward finding the dog a new home.

The St. Bernard, who goes by the name Rock, was found in the area of the Stratfield Road Church the evening of May 4. Police believe he belongs to an owner from Fairfield, Bridgeport, Trumbull or Easton. So far, no one has come forward with information about the dog’s owner. Anyone who knows who may have lost the dog should contact the Fairfield Animal Control at 203-254-4857.

Families interested in adopting Rock can also call Animal Control, or stop by the department’s headquarters at 211 One Rod Highway. Potential new owners would be able to take him home after May 18.

Have you lost your own dog? Send photos and information to and get help finding your pet.

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