Protesters Stage 'Love Trumps Hate' Rally Outside SHU Campus

FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- While hundreds of people were filing into the William H. Pitt Center for the Donald Trump for President rally, a small but growing and very vocal anti-Trump crowd gathered at the side of the Sacred Heart University campus to stage a Love Trumps Hate rally late Saturday afternoon.  

"In my 71 years, I've never felt so strongly about a political campaign," said Bruce McFadden of Monroe, who was holding a sign that said "Disarm Hate." "Trump is a thin-skinned, arrogant, egotistical racist and bigot who has attacked everyone from the Pope to Gold Star families to handicapped reporters to a judge -- the list goes on and on."

Trevor Mullineaux, director of media relations for the Democratic Town Committee in Fairfield, was one of the organizers of the Loves Trumps Hate rally. 

"We organized this rally to get our voice out," she said. "We disagree with Trump's rhetoric. It's hateful, decisive, and not who we are as Americans. We believe Hillary [Clinton] is the best candidate. She cares about our values, inclusiveness, women's reproduction rights and taking care of the little guy,"

Mullineaux said she was hoping to draw 200 to 300 people to the anti-Trump rally. "Our organic reach through Facebook was above 23,000."

"We just want to counter Trump's hateful speech. Democracy is so much better than that. We are not about building walls. We are about conclusiveness and working as a community together," she said.

Steven Sheinberg chairman of Fairfield's Democratic Town Committee, also turned out at the rally. 

"We believe Trump is a dangerous demagogue -- spreading fear, bigotry and hatred, while our candidate Hillary Clinton has the experience, qualifications, intellect, principals and vision to keep America great."

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