Ever heard of a tandem bicycle? A Bridgeport man is in trouble with the Fairfield police for riding a bicycle tandem. The man, who the police would not identify, raised suspicion Monday afternoon for pushing a bike down the Post Road while riding another.
When police caught up with him just before the Bridgeport border, the rider could not prove he owned either bike. And police found he was carrying bolt cutters, a headlight and wire cutters. Police confiscated both bicycles.
Later Monday evening, a Fairfield commuter arrived at Police Headquarters to report his Langster mountain bike had been taken from the Fairfield train station and offered a cut cable lock as evidence. The bike, valued at $600, matched the description of the one the suspect was pushing.
Police have not arrested the Bridgeport man. They were investigating whether he was involved in other bike thefts at the train station in recent months.
Also from the police blotter:
? At least one other bike theft occurred Monday in Fairfield, but so far the thief remained at large. A Fairfield mother told police Monday night that her daughter's bike was stolen from the rack at Roger Sherman Elementary School that afternoon. The girl left her black Tony Hawk bicycle with pink pegs at the school's bike rack that day at 3:45 p.m. When she returned at 8:30 p.m., it was gone. Anyone with information should contact the Fairfield police.
? STAR Fuels on Jennings Road reported a break-in at the service center late Monday or early Tuesday. The business was locked at 8 p.m. Monday, but when the owner returned just before 7 a.m. Tuesday he discovered the front door forced open and a window removed from the garage door. It was not known what the thief took, but a black bag containing an undetermined amount of cash was missing. Police were investigating.
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