FAIRFIELD, Conn. - The Fairfield Daily Voice accepts signed, original letters to the editor. Send letters to Fairfield@dailyvoice.com.
Finally it is here: Sept. 24 is National Voter Registration Day! Do we hear yawns out there? Not possible. After all, this is the day — unofficial but undeniably — when we celebrate one of our most precious rights: Voting. And we do it by — you guessed it — registering to vote.
Before everyone rushes to the phone to call for details, here are FAQs (frequently asked questions): Is Sept. 24 the only day to register? Not by a long shot. Think of this as opening day of the season. ‘Tis the Season to be registering!
Who needs to register? Basically, anyone who wants to vote must be registered. Not sure whether you’re already registered? Check with the Fairfield Office of the Registrar of Voters, 203-256-3115. Moved recently? Even just around the corner? Time to re-up! You can print the form off the Registrar’s website and mail it in (by Oct. 22; after that, remember to walk it in, in person, have until Oct. 29 by 8 p.m.). Takes a whole five minutes. Wow.
Or check www.lwvct.org and click on the “Verify” button on the lower left hand of the opening page. This will tell you what party you’ve registered with (and, no, you don’t have to register with a party) and where your polling place is. But, remember, if your address has changed since you last registered, you need to update your registration. See how to below.
When, Where, and How to Register: Fairfield residents may register to vote in person at the Registrar’s Office in Old Town Hall (611 Old Post Road), or they may register by mail. The Registrar’s business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with special hours on Oct. 19, until 8:00 p.m. and Oct. 29, from 9:00 a.m.. to 8:00 p.m..
Mail-in registration forms may be obtained at any Connecticut town hall, public library, or may be filled out and printed online by accessing the following link: www.fairfieldct.org/Voter/VoterRegistration-ByMail.pdf. And stay tuned for time and dates for the League of Women Voters to be at the local Stop & Shop groceries. Registration forms will be on hand, just waiting for you.
Who gets to register? There are four requirements for anyone wishing to register to vote in Fairfield. You must be: a U.S. citizen; age 18 or older by the next general election; reside in the Town of Fairfield; and not have been convicted of a disenfranchising felony, or if so, you must have completed confinement and parole. If you have any questions about these requirements or your qualification to register, contact the Registrar's Office for advice before submitting a registration form.
What identification do I need? You must provide your bona fide residence address on your voter registration application. This ensures that you will vote at the proper polling place and for the elected offices that actually represent you. P.O. boxes and private mail facility addresses are not acceptable in place of your residence address. If you do not wish to provide an address to the Registrars of Voters, you may apply for address confidentiality through the Secretary of State's office. Remember, proper identification must be provided before you will be able to vote. If your DMV ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security number submitted with your voter registration application can’t be verified, you must present either a) a copy of a current and valid photo identification (and, yes, that includes a student ID card) or b) a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address at the polls before you can vote.
Democracy is not a spectator sport. And, as the saying goes, “You gotta be in it to win it.” And that means registering to vote. Already done? Good for you. Need an update? Step right up! First timer? Welcome to the game!
Bryce Perry, co-president Peter Sibley, co-president League of Women Voters of Fairfield
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