FAIRFIELD, Conn. On Tuesday we offered ways Fairfielders can find their local candidates across the Web and social media. But its come to our attention that we missed a few in our last roundup. Here are more Facebook and Twitter accounts for political hopefuls:
We appended contact information for two District 7 Representative Town Meeting (RTM) candidates to Tuesdays story. But in case you didnt check back in the story later in the day, here they are again. You can find Democratic incumbent Hal Schwartz on Twitter and Facebook, and one of his Republican challengers in District 7, Anthony Calabrese, on Facebook as well.
From the RTMs District 3, Democrat Mary Hogue also launched a Facebook aspect to her campaign. As she said in an e-mail, I love Fairfield and I want to do what I can to help continue to make it the wonderful place it is for a long time to come. I want to hear what you think is important for the RTM to focus on.
Three other RTM Democratic candidates also have Facebook pages set up for their runs: District 7s Jennifer Hochberg, District 1s Kevin Lennon and District 9s Greg Alprin. Fellow Democrat Jessica Gerber, running for the Board of Education, also has a Facebook presence.
Do you follow any campaigns on Facebook or Twitter? Tell us which ones to look out for in the comments below or at gcanuel@thedailyfairfield.com.
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