FAIRFIELD, Conn. Despite making strides in its two main objectives in cleaning up from Tropical Storm Irene clearing roadways and restoring power the town still has a lot of work to do, Interim First Selectman Michael Tetreau said Monday.
Power outages will continue for at least the next several days, Tetreau said in a Reverse 911 call to Fairfield residents. We ask for your continued patience as we work through the large effort needed to complete our recovery from the storm.
The Department of Public Works cleared all but 25 of the towns streets Sunday and Monday, down from a peak of 100 immediately after the storm, Tetreau said. The others require help from United Illuminating and AT&T because utility lines are tangled in the downed trees.
As of Monday afternoon, all major roads were at least passable, with at least one open lane of traffic. Portions of Villa Avenue, North Benson Road, North Pine Creek Road and Mill Plain Road were blocked in at least one direction, while smaller side streets were closed completely.
Fairfield police have been too swamped with calls to keep a complete, up-to-the-minute list. But a few readers passed along information about some of the towns road closures. Our Facebook fans told us about downed trees still on Jennings Road (between Yarrow Road and Holland Hill Road), Moritz Place, Smedley Road and Mayfair Road. Reader John F. Braun also sent in the above photo of a tree still blocking half of Judson Road.
Lynda Kilgore, a Mistywood Lane resident, said she has been trapped on her street since the storm by a fallen tree. Kilgore also found herself in the same situation as many other Fairfielders without lights, phone or cable.
We only wish we knew an approximate time of restoration of power, Kilgore said in an email. We all have wells and septic so our homes only offer us shelter (Thank GOD for this).
Power was still out for 13,715 customers in town, or 58 percent of Fairfield. As a result, many organizations have decided to stay closed Tuesday. Town Hall and the Fairfield Public Libraries are still scheduled to reopen Tuesday.
Fairfield Prep canceled its classes again for Tuesday. Fairfield Public Schools are scheduled to open Thursday, but the district will announce Tuesday at 4 p.m. whether that will happen.
While residents wait for power to come back on, the state Department of Public Health issued reminders Monday about perishable food. Anything stored in refrigerators should be thrown out immediately. If kept in a freezer, items that could spoil should not be used past Tuesday afternoon.
How are you managing with no power and blocked roads? Share your advice for your neighbors in the comments below.
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