Residents can now dial 811 for access to their local officials before beginning a digging project. The new federally connected number connects to local centers, who will contact utility companies to provide a free ground-marking for underground pipelines.
“Everyone, even private residents, needs to comply with the state law requiring this notification prior to digging on their property,” Kessler said in a press release. “This simple 811 call will ensure that utility lines aren’t compromised; more importantly, it may save lives.”
Connecticut’s call center recommends calling at least two full business days in advance before starting a digging project. Crews will make color-coded marks to indicate natural gas lines, water pipelines, sewer lines and other underground utilities.
“Excavation is a leading cause of pipeline incidents that result in death or injury,” Cynthia Quarterman of the U.S. Department of Transportation and J. William Degnan of the National Association of State Fire Marshals wrote in a joint letter. “Every three minutes digging damages a buried utility line, and thirty percent of those incidents occur because a free call was not made to 811 notifying the local call-before-you-dig center.”
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