Fairfield Deals With Pothole Problems

Driving along Fairfield’s roads lately might bring tackling a minefield to mind. Department of Public Works crews are out patching potholes. But after a plow-heavy winter, they have a lot of work ahead of them. Sam Urban sees his share of the results at his service station along the Post Road. And as a commuter from Newtown, he knows the dangers of the road first-hand.

“The state roads are not too bad,” Urban says. “The local roads aren’t as good, though.” Urban has owned the Benson Post Automotive in Fairfield since 1978. He calls his small two-car garage and gas station a “triage” for cars in need of repairs. But Urban says he’s not seeing as many cars for pothole-related damage this year. But he believes the reason is not a lack of damage to Fairfield’s cars, but a rough economy, causing people to put up with problems for longer.

“Are there a lot of cars with problems? Yes there is,” Urban says. “Whether or not people fix them is another story.” Though tight times might persuade people to put off repairs, Urban advise against it. Hitting potholes can cause problems for a car’s steering system, shocks, struts and tires.

The Department of Public Works crews are out working each day to patch the holes, but the town’s 275 miles of roads stand to be pothole-ridden for a while. Increasing petroleum costs mean the price of asphalt has risen steeply recently, which means it costs more to repair each pothole. But Public Works Superintendent Scott Bartlett has said the roads will be fixed, no matter what.

For now, Fairfield’s residents can help the DPW by submitting pothole reports to the town’s website with detailed information. And to avoid damage to your car, follow these tips from the American Automobile Association. Check well ahead in the road for holes and slow down when they cannot be dodged. If you do hit a serious pothole, listen for noises or vibrations and check your tires regularly.

“You can drive with anything as long as you close your ears,” Sam says. “But sooner or later something’s going to break.”

How do you deal with potholes around town? Share tips for your neighbors here.

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