FAIRFIELD, Conn. ? To help our readers prepare for Election Day, The Daily Fairfield sent five questions to each of the candidates on the November ballot. The following response is from Bill Domeika, a Republican running for the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) in District 9.
Why should people vote for you?
I am running to earn your vote this November by providing new and fresh ideas for our town. We need to get back to running our town more efficiently, and I believe that I bring new, common-sense ideas to the table. I am young and energetic, and I want to be your voice. Further, I want to know each and every time you are not happy, because running to be your representative, it can be no other way.
What are the biggest issues facing Fairfield?
In Fairfield we need a small, solid, efficiently run town government that is guided by true and honest transparency. We have not been stringent enough from the top officials in town down to the RTM and we need to get back to doing so. We also need to provide quality education for our children. With multiple schools in District 9, it is paramount that we support education. And finally, we need to further the work on senior tax relief as it is getting far too costly for seniors to live in our town.
Is Fairfield going in the right direction ? If you are an incumbent, what were your biggest achievements? If you are a challenger, what has your opponent done wrong while in office?
Fairfield is not headed in the right direction, but if we are smart and start getting back to better practices of budgeting and better practices for running our great town, we will see progress immediately. For the past 12 years we have had the same administration, and it is time for new leadership that is accompanied by fresh ideas and a strong commitment to our residents in town.
What would you do to involve your constituents in your decision-making process?
I have already been out walking door to door in my District, meeting my constituents that I hope to represent. I will keep my constituents in the loop through leading town hall meetings run by all of the representatives in District 9. Also, I will be there for my constituents because I am running to be your voice in our towns government, and I intend on holding true to that.
How can Fairfield avoid another Metro Center, i.e., a project that goes severely over budget? What will you do to prevent it? Be specific.
For me, it goes right to transparency. There was no monitoring of how the Metro Center project was progressing. We need to be constantly massaging big projects and even small projects. Our towns taxpayers should not have to be taking the hit for this mistake. We need to limit these mistakes by having honest, open and constant oversight. I will be a firm voice for making sure these mistakes do not happen, and I will not rest until I am satisfied. I owe that to loyal taxpayers in District 9.
Find all of our candidates Q&As here.
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