Democrats Tap Tetreau for Top Fairfield Spot

Fairfield’s citizens might soon know who will be their next leader. The Democratic Town Committee endorsed Board of Finance member Michael Tetreau as their choice for Interim First Selectman. If the Board of Selectman approves, Tetreau will replace Kenneth Flatto at the end of April, when the Flatto officially steps down.

“Mike Tetreau’s love and vision for the Town of Fairfield, replete with his deep roots, active volunteerism and professional experience will serve the town very well,” DTC chair Devon Pfeifer said in a press release. “His long-held practice of listening to all people and studying issues from every angle are essential to effective leadership.”

Tetreau has been a member of Fairfield’s Board of Finance since 2005. Professionally, he works as the vice president of sales for William Ravies Real Estate in Fairifeld. He is currently the only Democrat who has publicly expressed interest in running for first selectman in November.

Flatto announced in March that he would be leaving his post after nearly 12 years (10 consecutively) as Fairfield’s chief executive. At the end of April, he will become executive director of the Division of Special Revenue for the state.

Per the town charter, immediately after Flatto leaves office fellow Democratic selectman Sherri Steeneck will take over on a temporary basis. Steeneck and the other member of the Board of Selectmen, Republican James Walsh, will then discuss and approve an interim replacement, based on the town Democrats’ recommendation.

If Steeneck and Walsh cannot reach an agreement, the decision will go to a special vote. Fairfield’s elected Democrats — those on the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance, the Board of Education, the Representative Town Meeting, the Plan and Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals — will hold their own vote to pick an interim First Selectman.

In either case, the replacement will hold office only until the end of 2011, when Flatto’s current term was scheduled to end. Fairfielders will choose their top leader for 2012 and beyond in this November’s elections.

What do think of Michael Tetreau as a choice for interim first selectman? Share your opinions in the comments below.

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