Girl Scouts Get a Peek Into Fairfield's Town Hall

Mary Jane Elwood joined Fairfield’s Animal Control Department, helping to care for critters picked up around town. Anna Mayle worked with the town’s human resources department, checking up on employees from all across Fairfield. And Ally Fallon became the newest crew member at the Department of Public Works. Not bad for a crew of middle school students.

Mary Jane, Anna and Ally were just three of the 48 girls who participated Wednesday in Girls Scouts in Government Day in Fairfield. Each girl spent the morning with one of 20 town departments, learning the ins and outs of the day-to-day operations. The groups also spent the afternoon touring the Fairfield Fire Department, the Fairfield Police Department or the town’s open spaces. “I likes seeing all the wildlife,” said Ally, who was in the group that toured Fairfield’s parks.

Though all the girls had a morning meeting with First Selectman Kenneth Flatto, each had a different experience for the rest of the day. Mary Jane, for example, got to see a 2-week-old kitten while with Animal Control. And Ally sat behind the controls of a truck at Public Works, pulling the lever to move dirt around.

At the end of the day, each scout got a certificate and a badge for participating — but not before writing thank-you notes to their guides for the day. “I learned that [town employees] work hard, doing their job and making sure Fairfield has no problems.” Mary Jane said.

What town office would you like to hang out in for a day? Start the conversation in the comments below.

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