Former Fairfield Couple Stops By For A Chat

FAIRFIELD, Conn. — Bob and Sue Filotei don’t live in Fairfield anymore, having moved to Black Rock some time ago. But they still want to connect with their former hometown. That’s why Bob signed up for The Daily Fairfield’s daily e-mail blast, getting all of Fairfield’s news straight to his inbox. That’s also why the couple stopped by reporter Greg Canuel’s office hours at Las Vetas Lounge Friday afternoon, to meet the man behind their local news coverage.

“I find the email blast every day informative,” Bob said, offering what we swear was a non-solicited endorsement. “Because it tells you what’s going on in town every day.”

Bob, a Realtor with Century 21 in Trumbull, and Sue, a painter, shared a few interesting facts about themselves in their chat with Greg.  For example, the couple has tried steakhouses and pizza parlors in each of the 50 states. The winner in the pizza category? Zuppardi’s in West Haven, according to Bob, though Sue expressed an appreciation for Greg’s favorite, Bridgeport’s Pizza Time.

Interested in what happens at TheDailyFairfield’s office hours? Keep checking The Daily Fairfield for information on the next session, or contact reporter Greg Canuel any time at

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