To the Editor:
As a member of the Representative Town Meeting, I shared the bipartisan shock and dismay at our June 27th meeting when First Selectman Michael Tetreau reported that the Metro Center project may be over budget by $2 million to $6 million. I also shared the bipartisan respect for Mr. Tetreau for the candor, factuality and promptness with which he presented this information. The first selectman has continued to be responsive and respectful in the face of intense questioning in following days.
My personal thanks to members of our local press, who within hours of this revelation, produced, in my opinion, mainly accurate, evenhanded reports on a complex and inflammatory subject. Thanks also to the Board of Finance, whose swift action has set in motion an impartial financial review of the project from its inception. An audit may reveal management mistakes and weaknesses. It may also reveal management strengths. We should wait for these outcomes before critics of the projects management cry vindication or supporters of the projects management leap to its defense.
We dont know yet exactly when the potential unbudgeted expense started, or even for sure whether the expense will materialize. That depends on whether the contaminated soil driving the increased expense can be housed on site or needs to be moved off site. What I believe we need to do right now, with thanks to Mr. Tetreau for his timely sharing of facts and information, is, with clear minds and careful thought, (1) affirm the need to complete the almost finished Metro Center, and (2) develop a strategy for meeting the potential cost overrun.
Meanwhile, we should remember that the freedom to criticize our leaders is a precious gift given us 235 years ago this Independence Day. As uncomfortable as it may be in the moment and, to be frank, for members of my party, it is the basis of our countrys strength and a right to be defended no matter who does the criticizing or who is on the receiving end.
Ann Stamler
RTM District 5
411 Stratfield Road
(203) 767-3614
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