Fairfield Residents Asking Questions About Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane

FAIRFIELD, Conn. - Questions about the whereabouts of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 have been ruminating around the globe since it went off the radar on March 8, and in Fairfield there is uncertainty about what happened. 

Fairfield residents Genevive Ritch and Susan Fanelli couldn't agree on what they thought happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Fairfield residents Genevive Ritch and Susan Fanelli couldn't agree on what they thought happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Photo Credit: Alissa Smith

"It's just strange," Fairfield resident Peg Rendl said Wednesday morning. She said she didn't think the plane went missing in an accident as some reports were saying. But she said she simply can't figure out how a plane that size could get lost. "I didn't know the world was that big," she said. 

The flight, a giant Boeing 777 bound from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport, has disappeared without a trace with 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board. 

As of Wednesday, 26 countries are participating in a search for the jumbo jet, focusing on a northern locus from the Kazakh–Turkmen border to northern Thailand, as well as a southern locus from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean, according to Wikipedia. 

For others in Fairfield, the reports coming in from around the globe about the mystery make it all the more confusing and difficult to figure out.

Genevive Ritch of Fairifeld said she and her husband are obsessed with talking about the missing plane. "There doesn't seem to be anything supporting terrorism," Ritch said. But she added that she's gone back and forth between believing it was terrorism or that it was an accident. 

She said there doesn't seem to be anything in the reports she has heard to indicate that the pilots had anything to do with the disappearance, so now she is thinking that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean. 

"I don't know if it's terrorism or a complete accident," said Susan Fanelli of Fairfield. But "I'm leaning toward suspicious."

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