Fairfield Rep: 'It's An Honor to Serve District 1'

It has been an honor to serve on the Fairfield RTM as a representative in District One for more than 14 months now. During this time, I have worked very hard to make a difference in our community by supporting projects and a governance model that: (1) keeps Fairfield affordable; (2) invests in necessary infrastructure projects, particularly at our schools; (3) protects the environment through enhanced recycling; (4) preserves open space; (5) improves roadways and public safety; and (6) makes me available to you as your RTM Representative.  

I have tried to earn your trust and respect by examining issues independently on their merits while taking a prudent approach to spending and striving to preserve what makes Fairfield such a special place to live and raise a family. 

I believe we can each make a difference by finding our voice and becoming involved in the community. For me, this has been by serving on the Fairfield RTM and before this as the Southport representative and vice chairman of the parking authority of Fairfield. I also know many of you are making a difference too by serving on our PTAs, church vestries, volunteering at our public libraries and by raising monies for those recovering from cancer and other diseases, among other noteworthy causes. What’s most important is to be involved in your own way and to try your best to make a difference.

In this spirit, I plan to actively campaign for the privilege to continue representing District One voters in Fairfield and Southport as a member of the RTM this fall. As the American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson so eloquently wrote: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” 

I sincerely ask for your support this November. 

Very truly yours,

Michael Herley

RTM Representative/District One

Follow me on Twitter: @michaelherley

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