Fairfield Middle Schoolers Holding Car Wash To Help Stock Food Pantry

FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- First Church Congregational, with the help of the seventh- and eighth-grade members of Faith in Action, is holding a car wash behind The Store at the church on Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to benefit Operation Hope's community pantry.

Middle schoolers will host a food drive car wash at the Fairfield First Congregational Church on Sunday.

Middle schoolers will host a food drive car wash at the Fairfield First Congregational Church on Sunday.

Photo Credit: Fairfield First Congregational Church

The students are charging four non-perishable food items for a car wash.

Fairfield Woods Middle School eighth-grader, Maggie Dean, crafted the plan, after a request for food donations came in from Operation Hope earlier this month.

For more information, or to volunteer call Heather Dean 203-255-5238.

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