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Enjoy Treetop Fun At The Adventure Park Seven Days A Week For Summer 2015

The Adventure Park at The Discovery Museum – the largest aerial forest park in New England has announced it is now open seven days a week for the remainder of summer 2015.  After September 8 it will return to its fall/spring schedule of weekends and holidays until it closes for the winter.

Since its debut in 2012 The Adventure Park has become a magnet for kids, teens, adults and groups seeking healthy outdoor recreation and the thrills of its zip lines and challenge bridges between tree platforms. It is located at 4450 Park Avenue in Bridgeport, one mile off The Merritt Parkway, Exit 47.

New for the 2015 season is the addition of “The Labyrinth,” a self-contained outdoor structure with numerous interconnected bridges between elevated platforms, similar to those in the trees at the Park, only designed to appeal to the abilities and imaginations of five- to ten-year-olds.  It should prove a natural for group events like birthday parties.

The new Labyrinth complements The Adventure Park's 11 aerial trails consisting of about 160 platforms, with 21 zip lines, installed in the trees and connected by various configurations of cable, wood and rope to form "crossings" of different kinds. The trails are color-coded and offer suitable challenge levels from age five through adult. Climbers wear harnesses which are doubly secured to safety cables using the Park's own "always locked on" climbing system of interlocking carabineers (coupling links). Before venturing onto the trails climbers receive a thorough orientation. Trails are designed for self-discovery, making lessons unnecessary. Park Guides are always available for questions or assistance.

The Adventure Park at The Discovery Museum is designed, built and operated by Outdoor Ventures in cooperation with The Discovery Museum. For hours and prices click here. For further details and updates please visit, email or call 203-690-1717.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, The Adventure Park. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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