

Swastikas Found Drawn In Crayon On Window At Middle School In Darien Swastikas Found Drawn In Crayon On Window At Middle School In Darien
Swastikas Found Drawn In Crayon On Window At Middle School In Darien Police are investigating after they say several swastikas were drawn on a window…
Swastika Found At High School Library In Northern Westchester Swastika Found At High School Library In Northern Westchester
Swastika Found At High School Library In Northern Westchester A swastika was discovered at a high school library in Northern Westchester. Officials in the…
Swastikas Discovered At Two Locations In Ridgefield Swastikas Discovered At Two Locations In Ridgefield
Swastikas Discovered At Two Locations In Ridgefield RIDGEFIELD, Conn. — Swastikas were found drawn on the outside of the Masonic Lodge and the Aldrich…