
Blue Shoulder Breed

Something To Crow About: Owner Reunited With Missing Northern Westchester Peacock Something To Crow About: Owner Reunited With Missing Northern Westchester Peacock
Something To Crow About: Owner Reunited With Missing Northern Westchester Peacock John, the wondering peacock has found his way home and his brother, Jay, who had been crying for two nights while his brother was on an adventure, is prancing and showing his colors again. John flew away from his home on Bedford Farm on Sunday, making his owner Shirley Lindefjeld, just sick with worry. He landed on the farm of Judy Richter who put the beautiful bird in a stall for safe-keeping.  "I assumed the worst. That a coyote got him," Lindefjeld said. "Thank goodness for my neighbor Rachel Klein who saw this Daily Voice notice. And thank goodness for my friend Judy…