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For Quick Completion, Don't Pass On A Plan When Remodeling Your Home

FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- When beginning a remodeling project, homeowners are often forced to put their lives on hold. And unfortunately, larger renovations have a tendency to drag on longer than expected, creating frustration for contractors and homeowners alike. In order to ensure projects are completed on time and at budget, Fairfield-based HM Remodeling always develops a remodeling timeline before any undertaking.

“The timeline will highlight the dependencies on pulling building permits, ordering key materials, scheduling inspections, flooring acclimation, templating countertops and more," said Skip Wyatt, owner of HM Remodeling. "Failure to plan for any of these tasks can create serious and often costly delays.”

By developing a timeline for completion, not only do homeowners hold tradesmen accountable, but they're also able to keep up with progress in real time. For example, if hardwood floors are set to be laid by Wednesday, homeowners are able to see on Thursday if the project is still on schedule. Creating a Microsoft Excel document with each project's activities and start and end dates can help keep projects moving forward. 

“The timeline provides an objective view of progress for everyone to see," said Wyatt. "Otherwise, the completion status is based on opinion and speculation. Most homeowners prefer to work with facts, and this approach provides the accountability our customers demand.”

If renovations must be completed by a certain date, it's important to let contractors know well in advance. Many home remodelers begin work on a new project once they've completed a previous one. If a prior project is running behind schedule, contractors may not be able to start the following project on time. Communication between owners and builders is key.

For peace of mind, regardless of project size, the experts at HM Remodeling can help make renovation dreams a reality. For more information on the services offered, click here.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, HM Remodeling. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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