
The Big E

Beloved Elephant At Connecticut Fairs Dies At 54 Beloved Elephant At Connecticut Fairs Dies At 54
Beloved Elephant At Connecticut Fairs Dies At 54 Beulah, the beloved elephant who has appeared at Connecticut fairs and Big E events across the region has died at the age of 54. Tim Commerford of Commerford’s Petting Zoo in Goshen, Connecticut said Beulah died of natural causes, according to a necropsy. “We are heartbroken," the Commerford family said. "We have lost a member of our family. Beulah was 54, the matriarch of our family. We are grateful she was with us as long as she was." Beulah was known to thousands of people for offering rides and appearing at the Big E events from  Commerford said Beulah loved her treats and l…