
Daylight Savings Time

Why We Have Daylight Savings Time (It's Not Because Of Farmers) Why We Have Daylight Savings Time (It's Not Because Of Farmers)
Why We Have Daylight Savings Time (It's Not Because Of Farmers) As we’ve all set our clocks back an hour, many people are left wondering - Why are we…
Deer-Mating Season, Earlier Sunsets Lead To Increases In Crashes Deer-Mating Season, Earlier Sunsets Lead To Increases In Crashes
Deer-Mating Season, Earlier Sunsets Lead To Increases In Crashes Oh, deer. It’s deer mating season, and area residents have been cautioned that there will…
Missing Just 1-2 Hours Sleep Nearly Doubles Crash Risk, AAA Warns Missing Just 1-2 Hours Sleep Nearly Doubles Crash Risk, AAA Warns
Missing Just 1-2 Hours Sleep Nearly Doubles Crash Risk, AAA Warns We all know the dangers of drowsy driving, but a new study from the AAA Foundation…

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