GoFundMe Set Up To Help Brookfield Man Paralyzed By Falling Door

BROOKFIELD, Conn. — A Brookfield family has set up two fundraising websites to help a local small businessman who was left paralyzed after he was hit by a falling industrial garage door. 

Jeff Moxham of Brookfield was left paralyzed after an industrial garage door fell on him and broke his back.

Jeff Moxham of Brookfield was left paralyzed after an industrial garage door fell on him and broke his back.

Photo Credit: GoFundMe
Jeff Moxham is playing basketball as part of his recovery after breaking his back in an accident.

Jeff Moxham is playing basketball as part of his recovery after breaking his back in an accident.

Photo Credit: GoFundMe

Jeff Moxham, better known as "Mox," was severely injured as he was leaving the garage where he works on Jan. 14, his GoFundMe page says. The 14 x 14 industrial garage door let loose, fell and hit Moxham, pinning him underneath. 

A nearby good Samaritan, Herb Jacobs, came to his aid. "In what could only be explained as super strength, with one hand lifted the massive door and with the other slid Jeff out from under it," the page says. 

The door severely broke and dislocated Moxham's back.

Doctors recently confirmed that Moxham has a "complete spinal injury, which has left him paralyzed from the belly button down," according to his Deposit A Gift fundraising page. 

"Complete" means that there is no function or sensation in the injured area, the page says. 

"While this news is not what was hoped, as everyone knows, Jeff is a realist and prefers to deal with facts," the page says. He and his family are developing a plan for his care.

Moxham, his wife Tara and daughter Hannah live in Brookfield, where he has run a landscaping and snow plowing business for 30 years with his two employees. 

The fundraising pages are to help with medical bills, rehabilitation, recovery and other expenses. According to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, first year costs to care for a paraplegic amount to over $500,000.

Moxham is at Gaylord Hospital, where he is working on physical therapy to strengthen his body. One of his exercises involves playing basketball.

For the past eight years, Moxham has run a charity golf tournament in New Milford to benefit a friend, Keith James, who had ALS. He also participates every year on the Handy Dandy Man Ministry project to provide free yard work for those in need. 

Click here to visit the GoFundMe page. Click here to visit the Deposit A Gift page. His family also recently hosted a fundraising pasta dinner in town. 

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