
Euro Area

Around Fairfield Schools: Pride En Plein Air, Euro Winners, No Parade So Musicians Step In Around Fairfield Schools: Pride En Plein Air, Euro Winners, No Parade So Musicians Step In
Around Fairfield Schools: Pride En Plein Air, Euro Winners, No Parade So Musicians Step In A Plein air painting project is giving art students at a Fairfield County school the chance to express their talent. One at a time they are taking turns to paint designs on benches to display school pride at the entrance to Saxe Middle School in New Canaan. The effort begun in May is through a newly formed Saxe Spirit Benches club. Art Teacher Cara Beatman is leading the project. The way it works is parents may sign up their child 15-minute painting appointments. Masks and gloves must be worn by students the entire time. “The whole premise of this project is to keep art alive during th…