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Children Inspire Bridgeport Mom To Earn College Degree

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- With two young children and a full-time job, Bridgeport’s Stacey Wilson simply could not find the drive to finish off her college education.

That changed when she learned about the University of Bridgeport’s IDEAL Program. Now, 18 years after graduating from high school, the single mother is eight months away from earning a Bachelor of Science degree in General Studies with a Business Concentration.

“After my divorce, I looked at my options and I started to look long-term,’’ Wilson said. “I checked out an online college, but I felt like I was getting the runaround. Someone told me about the IDEAL Program at the University of Bridgeport and I looked into it. The first time I made contact with my counselor, I knew that this is where I needed to be.”

Wilson, who works for a Westport law firm, has already earned certificates from the IDEAL Program in Criminal Justice and Human Resource Management. She also has an associate degree from Norwalk Community College.

Her experience in the IDEAL Program, however, far surpassed her previous online learning and college experiences.

“I find that the teachers don’t give 100 percent, they give 200 percent,’’ Wilson said. “They really care about the students. They go far beyond the classroom, and I enjoy meeting with them. Even after you finish a subject, you can still go to them with questions.”

Wilson also likes the flexibility of classroom or online learning, especially in the winter when traveling becomes difficult. She works until 5 p.m., gets to class by 6 p.m. or starts her online class at 8 p.m. She also lines up the jigsaw pieces with her children’s activities.

“I just breathe and take it one day at a time,’’ Wilson said. “At the beginning of each week, I map things out and make sure that I know what my priorities are. Finishing school is definitely the top priority.”

Wilson said juggling all the pieces is her biggest challenge. “The kids are very important,’’ she said. “I want to make sure nothing is taken away from them. I have to make sure all my classes are around their schedule. It’s hard getting everything to fit, but it’s worth it.”

Wilson graduated from Bridgeport Central in 1996 and got her associate degree in 2001. She tried unsuccessfully several times to get back to the classroom. “I just couldn’t push myself to do it,’’ she said.

That changed when she learned about the IDEAL Program, and she’s found a way to make it work. Most importantly, she is providing an example for her children about the benefit of education.

“My children were about 90 percent of the motivation behind wanting to do this,’’ Wilson said about her son, Jaquille, 12, and daughter Taylia, 8. “I need to teach them it doesn’t matter how old you are. However long it takes, getting your degree is the key. It’s a big part of life. I talk to my son all the time about the importance of getting a degree. I want to show them it's possible. The other 10 percent was about me. I don’t need anyone to hold my hand. I needed to prove to myself that I can do it. It was a big decision.”


This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, University of Bridgeport. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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