At HSS, radiographs (“x-rays”) are usually obtained first in the work-up of a painful or injured body part. If the radiographs are inconclusive or are suggestive of additional abnormalities, the clinician usually requests an MRI for further evaluation. US may be a reasonable alternative for patients with contraindications to MRI such as pacemakers, wire implants and severe claustrophobia. Many conditions demonstrated on MRI, such as arthritis, bursitis or tendonitis, can be treated with conservative measures such as rest, physical therapy or a steroid injection. While some steroid injections are performed blindly by clinicians, the use of US guarantees the correct placement of the needle and assures the steroid is going to the appropriate target.
As leaders in orthopedic and musculoskeletal abnormalities, HSS clinicians are supported by radiologists who are world experts in MR imaging and ultrasound. At the HSS Stamford facility at Chelsea Piers, patients can be assured that they are getting the same world-quality MR imaging and sonography that they would if they traveled to the main campus in New York City. Integration of our imaging modalities allows HSS radiologists and clinicians access to patient’s studies, regardless of which HSS facility in which it was performed. We run an ultrasound schedule on Fridays at HSS Stamford, bringing our expertise from the main hospital to the local community.