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Ski Sundown
  • After A Long Wait, Ski Season Finally Rolls Into Connecticut

    After A Long Wait, Ski Season Finally Rolls Into Connecticut

    FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. -- The long-awaited and much anticipated opening day of ski season finally arrived Friday morning at Ski Sundown in New Hartford, Conn.Lifts carried skiers and snowboarders to the top of mountain and they glided down the slopes beginning at 9 a.m. The mountain will remain open until 10 p.m., and will be open all weekend.“We’re so glad we’re finally up and ...

  • Connecticut's Ski Sundown Nearly Ready To Welcome Skiers

    Connecticut's Ski Sundown Nearly Ready To Welcome Skiers

    Snowmaking guns blasted snow non-stop on Monday and will continue over the next few days as Ski Sundown in New Hartford, Conn. races toward a belated opening day.General Manager Bob Switzgable said snowmaking equipment will “bury the place” in an attempt to open on Friday morning. Switzgable, who has owned the mountain since 2002 and has been working and skiing at the mountain for 30 ...