
Eastchester Town Court

Westchester Lawyer Arraigned For Child Porn, Photographing Children Westchester Lawyer Arraigned For Child Porn, Photographing Children
Westchester Lawyer Arraigned For Child Porn, Photographing Children A lawyer is facing charges after being busted with child pornography, including images that were taken in his Westchester home. Eastchester resident Androsky Lugo, age 51, is facing multiple charges following his arraignment for promoting and possessing child pornography and unlawful surveillance of a minor. Specifically, Lugo was charged with: Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child; Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child; Unlawful surveillance. Each of the charges is a felony. The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office’s High Technology Crime Squad made …
Driver Arrested After Hospitalizing Westchester County Police Officer During Chase On The Hutch Driver Arrested After Hospitalizing Westchester County Police Officer During Chase On The Hutch
Driver Arrested After Hospitalizing Westchester County Police Officer During Chase On The Hutch A Westchester County Police officer was injured when a man rear-ended her patrol car while attempting to evade arrest in a stolen gypsy cab. The Westchester County Police Real Time Crime Center alerted the Mount Vernon Police Department of a stolen vehicle in the city shortly after 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 18, County Police spokesman Kieran O’Leary said.  When officers attempted to pull the stolen vehicle near the intersection of West 1st Street and Vista Place, the driver took off onto the Hutchinson River Parkway. The driver of the stolen vehicle - later identified as 29-year-old G…