Palisades Park computer tech in N.J. child porn roundup

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: A self-employed computer technician from Palisades Park is among more than two dozen defendants arrested the past few weeks, as State Police and other authorities teamed up to bust major distributors of child pornography that they said includes child-rape videos, CLIFFVIEW PILOT has learned.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot File Photo

Also arrested were defendants from Bergenfield, Hillsdale, Fair Lawn and Fairview, as part of more than two dozen picked up in 11 counties statewide.

Information about the sweep will be announced this morning by state Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa and State Police Col. Rick Fuentes, along with Elie Honig, the deputy director of the NJ Division of Criminal Justice.

  • UPDATE:  Five Bergen County men were among two dozen arrested as part of a law enforcement action that smashed a child pornography network that distributed videos of youngsters being raped, authorities announced this morning. READ MORE….

Louis Cedeno, 46, who lives on Central Boulevard in Palisades Park, was arrested around 6 a.m. Feb. 18 and charged with child endangerment, as part of the sweep, CLIFFVIEW PILOT has learned. Cedeno was being held on $100,000 bail in the Bergen County Jail.

Cedeno, who attended the University of Oklahoma on a baseball scholarship, has worked for several area companies, while also doing consulting work for Beat Pulse Records, according to his resume.

The defendants also include Jose Oswaldo of Fairview and Joseph Lorz of Bergenfield, CLIFFVIEW PILOT has learned.

Like Cedeno, Oswaldo is being held on $100,000 bail in the Bergen County Jail following his arrest on Feb. 19. However, the INS also has issued a detainer for Oswaldo, a 39-year-old Guatemalan national. He likely faces a deportation hearing after this case is completed.

Lorz, 26, was being held on $25,000 bail.

Both are charged with child endangerment.

A fifth area arrest was made in Clifton, state authorities said.


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