
Doreen Merkler

HEROES: Off-Duty Cop, Mom Save Boy Drifting In Jersey Shore Bay HEROES: Off-Duty Cop, Mom Save Boy Drifting In Jersey Shore Bay
Heroes: Off-Duty Cop, Mom Save Boy Drifting In Jersey Shore Bay An off-duty South Brunswick police officer and his mother are credited with saving a boy who was drifting out to the ocean, authorities said. Sgt. William Merkler and his mother Doreen helped save the 5-year-old boy who had drifted towards the bay on a white swan float. The rescue occurred at Amherst Beach in Berkeley, police said, citing Patch. Merkler, and his mother were on their boat heading in from the bay near Amherst Beach on Tuesday, Aug. 8 when they noticed the boy in a float quite a distance out towards the bay, police said. On that day, there were 18 mph winds with 25 mph gusts…