Sacred Heart High In Yonkers Raises $1,500 For Breast Cancer

YONKERS, N.Y. – When 16-year-old Jenna Martino heard her teacher was starting a collection drive to help find a cure for breast cancer, she knew immediately she wanted to get involved.

“I had two grandparents who passed way from cancer, so the cause to help find a cure really hit home for me,” Martino said.

So three weeks ago, with the start of October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Martino began setting out collection cans in the cafeteria of Sacred Heart High School and spreading the word among her classmates.

Meanwhile, her teacher and organizer of the campaign, Alana Rome, was selling dozens of her hand-made pink satin ribbon pins around the high school. On Friday, the final day of the collection drive, Sacred Heart students paid $3 to ditch the traditional school uniforms and dress in more casual attire.

When the final dollars had been tallied, students and teachers had chipped in more than $1,500, money that will be donated to the American Breast Cancer Society. Rome, a first-year teacher at the school, said the students’ response was more than she could have expected.

“They welcomed it with open arms,” she said. “And they were enthusiastic about it. It was nice to see.”

But Sacred Heart High School’s generosity didn’t come as a surprise to Vice Principal Pat Racioppo. He said the students always seem to respond to causes in a big way, whether it be the annual Toys for Tots drives or a Thanksgiving basket collection.

“By and large they are very generous,” Racioppo said. “When they see somebody in need, they are always willing to help out.”

Martino brushed off the praise and said she was just happy to be a part of the search for a cure.

“It was very humbling, and it feels good helping out the community the best way I can,” she said. “It was a good experience for all of us.”

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