The show, organized by Debra Canzio and Jesse Steiner, featured singing, dancing and instrumental performances. The stage was decorated with lights strung on tree branches and multiple backdrops of the North Pole and other locations created by students and staff, according to a release from Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES.
Among the performers were Daniel Moskowitz singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer;” Evan Cardillo tap dancing and Brandon Isocoa playing guitar; Justin and Liane Delgado’s classes singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and Rob Trama leading three classes in a “Silver Bells” sing-a-long.
Students performed to a packed house, the release said.
Special thanks were offered to the Operations and Maintenance crew for setup and cleanup; Patti Tomaskovic for help in scheduling; Esmelinda Bucchignano for her tech support; Megan Bromfield and Daniel Moskowitz for assuming the roles of assistant stage manager and junior assistant stage manager; Coach Taps and Coach Mike for giving up the gym; and Principal Mike Sowul for his support.
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