
Romney, West Virginia

Impersonator Burned Attempting To Cancel Emergency Call With Two-Way Radio In MD: Fire Marshal Impersonator Burned Attempting To Cancel Emergency Call With Two-Way Radio In MD: Fire Marshal
Impersonator Burned Attempting To Cancel Emergency Call With Two-Way Radio In MD: Fire Marshal Not all heroes wear capes, but some "heroes" are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing. A West Virginia man is in police custody after impersonating a firefighter and attempting to use a two-way radio to cancel fire and EMS personnel that were called to a Maryland home, according to the State Fire Marshal. Matthew Milburn, 32, of Romney, West Virginia, is facing charges in Maryland for impersonating a firefighter and impeding an emergency 911 call that was made earlier this week, authorities announced. On Tuesday, June 7, Barton Hose Company and the George's Creek Ambulance Service were call…