Official Declares Schools Safe

In the aftermath of the ceiling collapse in a classroom at Springdale Elementary School on Monday, Stamford School officials were reassuring parents that school facilities across the system are safe for use.

"The incident at Springdale was unfortunate but isolated within the school system," said Department of Facilities Director Al Barbarotta. "Springdale is an old building [1909] but we keep up with all our building's inspections and tests ahead of federal and state regulations."

The sprinkler system at Springdale went through its quarterly inspection just before the school year started and no problems were detected..

Early Monday morning before students had arrived, sprinkler pipes burst and brought a plaster ceiling crashing down in a lower level music room. The room was not occupied at the time.

Springdale Principal Roshelley Woodson said in a note sent home to parents: "We expect the lower level offices to be ready for use by Wednesday and the music room in about a week."

Barbarotta credited "fast, smart work" by the school's head custodian for preventing more serious damage to the school. "We immediately tested for asbestos and mold and then moved in to clean up the mess," he added.

Barbarotta said: "We have a comprehensive plan in place for inspections, testing and maintenance in all Stamford School facilities that is available to the public."

"The Springdale situation couldn't have been anticipated," he added.

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