Stamford Woman Is at Your Service at the Mall

Service with a smile comes naturally to Doris Karp. It goes back to something the lifelong Stamford resident's father used to say.

"Do you like bread and butter?" said Karp, recalling her father's words while taking a break at the Stamford Town Center. This May will mark her 13th year working at the mall's Guest Services Center.

"Well, these are the people who provide bread and butter for the family so you have to be nice to them," Karp said. Her parents ran one of two Karp Stationery stores in Stamford; her uncle owned the other. They eventually went out of business, but not before the family put four children through college and passed on a strong work ethic to Doris.

Many Stamford residents might recall her from 28 years as Mrs. Karp in the public school system. Teachers did not pay into Social Security, and she started working Lord & Taylor while still teaching to protect her future. She put in 21 years there before moving on to the mall.

Karp takes great pride in her job at the Guest Services Center. During the holidays, she couldn't meet for an interview because it would detract from giving the customers her complete attention. During the slower months, she loves talking to the mall walkers and regular patrons. Not even a cancer diagnosis eight years ago could keep her away from the desk.

"I did the radiation at 8 o'clock in the morning, and then I came here, and the reason I did it first thing in the morning? Because I knew I could talk to people here and they would cheer me up," Karp said. She underwent 35 radiation treatments for breast cancer and never missed a day of work.

For the New Year, Karp hopes to keep her health up and looks forward to continuing at the mall. She's earned the Social Security she can now collect.

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