
Garrigus Suites

COVID-19: Nearly 300 UConn Students Quarantined As Virus Spreads COVID-19: Nearly 300 UConn Students Quarantined As Virus Spreads
Covid-19: Nearly 300 UConn Students Quarantined As Virus Spreads Nearly 300 students at the University of Connecticut have been placed in quarantine as COVID-19 continues spreading across its main campus. Students living in the Garrigus Suites on the Storrs campus have been asked to quarantine after nine of the school’s 10 new cases on Thursday were traced back that particular dorm, the school said in a statement. “Every student who tested positive has been placed into dedicated isolation space on campus, like other on-campus positive cases,” school officials said. While students who have tested positive were moved to COVID-19 isolation beds reser…